In 2024, a teenager finds herself caught in an unexpected time-travel accident that sends her back to the year 2003, just days before her sister is tragically murdered by a masked killer. Now trapped in the past, she faces an impossible challenge: can she alter the course of history and save her sister’s life without risking the future she knows?
As she navigates a world unfamiliar to her—where technology is outdated and everything she knows is yet to happen—she must unravel the mystery of the killer before it’s too late. With no one else aware of the looming danger, she becomes determined to stop the tragedy, but every attempt to change events leads to unintended consequences, making the future increasingly uncertain.
Struggling to balance the consequences of her actions, she faces the dilemma of whether saving her sister is worth the risk of destroying everything she’s ever known. Time is running out, and with each passing day, the stakes grow higher. Can she outsmart fate and prevent the murder, or will meddling with the past lead to even greater disasters?
In a race against time, she learns that the past is more fragile—and more dangerous—than she ever imagined.