In his second year of crime-fighting, Batman delves deeper into the dark underbelly of Gotham City, where he uncovers a web of corruption that reaches into his own family’s past. As he grapples with these revelations, a new threat emerges in the form of a cunning serial killer known as the Riddler. This enigmatic figure challenges Batman not only with his deadly game but also with cryptic clues that force him to confront uncomfortable truths about his own lineage.
As the Riddler targets Gotham’s elite, Batman races against time to decipher the clues left behind, each one revealing more about the city’s systemic corruption and the ties that bind him to it. With the help of allies like Lieutenant Jim Gordon and Selina Kyle, Batman navigates a city on the brink, filled with deceit and treachery at every turn.
As the investigation unfolds, Batman must confront the ghosts of his family’s past, questioning the legacy they left behind and his role in shaping Gotham’s future. The Riddler’s sinister motives push Batman to the limits, testing his moral code and forcing him to reconsider what it truly means to be a hero.
In this gripping tale of mystery and revelation, Batman faces his most personal battle yet, where the stakes are not just his own life, but the very soul of Gotham itself.