After the passing of his grandfather, a young boy finds himself grappling with loss. His father, also struggling with his own grief, decides to send him on a journey to help him understand the concept of death. As part of this process, the boy is tasked with preparing the family’s traditional haunted house for the upcoming Halloween season. Through the eerie and often unsettling experience of setting up the haunted house, the boy is confronted with his fears, both real and imagined, and begins to make sense of the emotional complexities surrounding death. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about love, memory, and the way people cope with the passing of a loved one. The haunted house becomes not only a space for fright but also a place of healing, where the boy begins to come to terms with the loss and find a sense of closure. As the haunted house takes shape, so too does the boy’s understanding of life, death, and everything in between.