In 1968, the Whit family gathers for a significant event: the burial of Grandpa Sparta, portrayed by Martin Sheen. As the clan comes together, old tensions and quirky dynamics resurface, setting the stage for a blend of humor and heart. However, Grandpa Sparta isn’t quite ready to depart just yet. In a series of whimsical and unexpected twists, he finds a way to communicate with his family, revealing long-held secrets and offering sage advice to his grandson.
Amidst the chaos of family reunions, the Whit clan navigates their differences, confronting both the past and their collective future. As laughter and poignant moments intertwine, the film captures the essence of family bonds, showcasing how love and understanding can bridge generational gaps. With a clever script from the writer of The Bourne Identity, this charming comedy explores themes of legacy, memory, and the enduring impact of those we hold dear, all while delivering delightful surprises along the way.